Monday, May 15, 2006


Hey friends. Just thought I would ask ya'll to be praying for me this summer as I head to Kamp. Please pray that I will find my confidence in the Lord, have energy throughout the three months, and not get in the way of the Lord's work. Pray that these kids' hearts would be prepared to receive the gospel and that the counselors would be willing vessels for delivering it. And if you would like to provide encouragement to me, all you got to do is write me a letter! Getting mail is my favorite! Below is my address...

967 Lakeshore Drive
Branson, MO 65616

In the words of every great yearbook signing... HAGS (Have A Great Summer)!

Saturday, May 13, 2006

Pirates of the Colorado Springs!

Ahoy there, Mateys! Can I just tell you that Pirates bring me great joy!?! I don't' know why, but I love em. Could it be that they have their own fashion sense, or because I, too, had to wear patches over both my eyes as a result of injury at one time in my life, or maybe it's their sense of adventure, or because secretly I would love to pirate all my music if I could without being stoned by my friends, or could it be their dark tans and manly accents and vernacular speech??? What can I say... really... Julie Penuel + Pirates makes perfect sense. I dream of one day abandoning the ship of singleness and saying ahoy to that one special buccaneer. Can you blame me for holding out all this time for my pirate? I didn't think so. Well, anyways... here are some fun Pirate pictures to amuse you this evening...

Here is what looks like maybe a Greek Pirate, teaching his son the trade.

I don't know these guys either but doesn't it look like they're having a ship-full of fun!

"Pirate attire" was all the rage on the Paris and London runways this spring.

Just a fun Pirate Comic Strip I found online when surfing the web for Pirate "Booty." Finding this felt like finding buried treasure... ARRRRRRRR!

Don't you think that this REI model would have a more rewarding career as a pirate?

Wednesday, May 03, 2006

Back to Reality.

As some of you know, I am now back from Colorado. And it was the most wonderful semester of all! I still cannot believe how much fun we packed into those three months. I really would like to let ya'll in on everything I learned during my journey there, but it seems a little overwelming to do in a blog. If you really do want to hear a "play by play," just call! I love talking about all the books I read, the friends I made, the things I was taught in class, the boys I dated, and the fun/crazy things we did. I actually can't stop talking about it. Anyways, I just thought I would highlight some of the events of this semester below... PS If you want information about attending the Focus On the Family Institute, let me know. I'm a "campus rep."

I Wore Crazy Outfits...
I Went Sledding...
I Learned How to Be "Domestic!"
I Danced a Whole Lot...
I Tried to Find Narnia!
I Got Proposed To...
I Joined the Worship Team... (But not playing piano... I shook the egg!)
I Climbed Indoors and Outdoors...
I Belayed a Whole Stinkin' Lot!