Tuesday, April 12, 2005

Phenomena on Fairview

I mean... the weirdest things happen at our house! Last semester we had a solicitor walk in our front door and proceed to present her product to my biblestudy without being let in. And we had a rather large black man in a suit ring our doorbell around midnight. He said he had some business with one of the guys who lived here. We informed him that no boys lived here and we didn't have "business" with him. This semester we had a guy in a leather jacket and a beret let himself in and walk all the way through our house to ask if this was where Jordan's Superbowl Party was. Oh and the most notorious... the car numbering! One night, everyone on Fairview was randomly shoe polished with a number (Virginia 30, Katherine 31, Me 32). Well... the most recent occurred this morning when a jeep wrangler pulled up outside our house blaring Shaun McDonald. Two guys with fro wigs ran up to our door, laughing and talking but never knocked and didn't leave anything. STRANGE...

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