Monday, October 10, 2005

Dust That Dirt of Your Shoulders!

So today I sat in the mall food court with my mom and her friend Denise. I ate the lunch that I had packed this morning... including a sandwich, soda, cheese its, and m&m's (no cookies... sad!). My mom and Denise shared a plate of rice and suspicious chicken from some chinese restaurant. Our conversation consisted mainly of me complaining (like only you can do with your mom) about a personality conflict with a girl I see almost everyday. This girl frustrates me like crazy and really gets under my skin. My mom listened, inserting the proper back-channeling cues such as "uh huh... yeah... interesting" to let me know she was taking it all in. Then when I paused, signaling that I was ready for some real feedback, she responded with, "Julie, when she irritates you just brush it off... just brush it off." As she said this she demonstrated how to brush it off by dusting the dirt off of both of her shoulders. I couldn't help but laugh out loud and ask her to pose for a blog shot. Can't you just see my mom dancing in a music video, singing "Julie, dust that dirt off your shoulders!"


Anonymous said...

JULIE! remember ME!??? frances barn 12 kkountry!! yess!! thats me! yeah well i havent talked to you in forever and i went to kwest this past year and I LOVED IT!!!!
well im glad i could talk to you!!

Anonymous said...

wiat here is my xanga.